Outer Sunset Halloween Block Party!

Prepare for a spooktacular time at the third annual “Outer Sunset Halloween Block Party” on Saturday, October 26th, from 12 to 5 p.m. at Irving St. between 19th and 21st Avenues.
From costume contests for kids, pets & adults to dancing to the beat of the SF DJ Collective, a pizza eating contest sponsored by Hole in the Wall Pizza and dozens of local artists, food trucks, mouthwatering treats, and refreshing drinks to shake the spirits away this Halloween season!
DATE, TIME AND LOCATION: Saturday, October 26th from 12-5pm on Irving St, between 19th & 21st Avenue.
EXHIBITOR SPACE SIZES: All booth spaces are 10′ x 10′.
EXHIBITOR PERMITS: Exhibitor permits will be emailed approximately 1 week prior to the day of the event. You will receive a map of the fair area including an entry/exit route. You must have a copy of your permit to enter the fairgrounds with your vehicle.
SETUP: Vehicles will be allowed to enter the area between 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM, and must be removed from the area by 11:30 AM. Booth spaces must be claimed by 11:00 AM or your space may be reassigned to another applicant.
BREAKDOWN: Booth must be completely disassembled and the Operator’s area completely cleaned of materials and debris no later than 7:00 PM.
HOURS OF OPERATION: Sales may begin when the booth is set up, and sales must end at 5:00pm. If you continue sales after closing time, your application will not be accepted in subsequent years.
BOOTHS, TENTS, TABLES, CHAIRS, ETC: Operators must provide their own booth structures, tents, tables, chairs, water and/or electricity. Presentation must be contained within the operator’s exhibitor space and cannot extend beyond the borders of the operator’s booth. Operators may stand in front of the booth, but must not interfere with the operations of neighboring exhibitors. Important: Art Walk SF is not providing equipment for set up.
You must bring your own tent, table, and chairs. All tents are required to be sufficiently weighted. If your tent is not properly weighted and starts to falter, you will be asked to remove your tent for the safety of others.
AMPLIFIED SOUND: No amplified sound, including bullhorns, will be permitted
REFUNDS: No refunds.
By purchasing this ticket you acknowledge and agree to comply with the Exhibitor & Operator Instructions.
Exhibitor/Operator (Operator) desires to operate a booth space at the Outer Sunset Halloween Block Party to be held on 10/28/2023 in the vicinity of Irving Street between 19th & 21st in San Francisco; and Artyhood. desires to permit Operators to use such booth space, on the terms and conditions described in this agreement. In consideration of the promises made in this agreement, the parties agree that:
1) Artyhood agrees that upon its acceptance of the completed application submitted by Operator, along with full payment for booth space rental, as set forth in that application, that it shall allocate a booth space location for use by Operator on the above date according to the terms and conditions of this agreement.
2) Operator agrees that Operator, or agents, employees or independent contractors of Operator (“agents”), shall conform with the requirements as set forth in the “Operator Instructions” attached hereto, which is incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement.
3) Operator agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Artyhood & Outer Sunset Merchants & Professional Association from all liability from loss, damage, or injury to persons or property arising from the negligence or wrongful conduct of Operator or its agents.
4) Jurisdiction: This agreement is entered into and shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, and any dispute shall be resolved in a court of law in San Francisco, California.
5) This agreement may not be assigned by either party without the prior written consent of the other party.
6) Outer Sunset Halloween Block Party requires that exhibitors maintain General Liability insurance with coverage not less than $1M per occurrence / $2M aggregate, naming Artyhood & OSMPA as additional insured. Certificates of insurance showing proof of coverage should be sent to the Certificate Holder: Artyhood 2025 Quintara St, SF CA 94116. We recommend ACT (Artists Crafters & Tradesmen ) Insurance for one-day Vendor Insurance.
By purchasing this ticket you agree to all the specified terms and conditions set forth in this application. I further release, indemnify and hold harmless, Artyhood & The Outer Sunset Merchant & Professional Association its clients and affiliated organizations or entities, directors, officers, agents or employees, or any of the above from any and all liabilities, demands, claims, damages or costs to property or persons as a result of my participation in the 2023 Outer Sunset Halloween Block Party . I further release and indemnify ARTYHOOD & OSMPA and all of its duly appointed representatives of all liability and responsibility for any injury, damage or loss sustained by exhibitors, guests or any other participants before, during or after the 2023 Outer Sunset Halloween Block Party as a result of the display of my work, equipment or materials. I understand that ARTYHOOD & OSMPA reserves the right to remove anything that does not meet the standards set forth in this application. I understand that there are no refunds or rain checks. In consideration of acceptance of my application, I agree to accept all decisions of ARTYHOOD & OSMPA and agree to allow the use of photographs and video taken at the event for the purposes of promoting the events this year and in future years.
I have reviewed and agree to comply with the Exhibitor Agreement: